First Res Case Study

Launching a New Brand
First Res Equipment sells firefighter rescue straps and Patient-Assist-Lift (P.A.L.) straps. They sell simple solutions created by firefighters for firefighters.
Healthcare Equipment Manufacturer
> Brand Consulting
> Brand Design
> Website Development
> Copywriting
> Photography
> Print
A new medical equipment manufacturer offering equipment for First Responder lift-assist and Firefighter extrication, First Res needed serious marketing to solve a serious problem. First Res needed to create and establish an identity to raise brand awareness and begin selling product. After consulting, we focused on the following campaigns:
  • Creating an overarching brand for First Res and enhancing the existing sub-brands for their two flagship products.
  • Website and digital design to directly address the needs of First Responders and Firefighters, highlighting First Res’s unique products which ultimately increase patient and caregiver safety.

Frontline created a visual identity for First Res, as well as an engaging, informative website complete with lifestyle photography, SEO optimization, product photography, user testimonials, and copywriting. First Res is now positioned as one of the most in-demand new-market products for First Responders, and their innovative solution is poised to be a staple in every first responder kit.